why we are here
In the beginning |
Where we are now |
The concept of One Touch From Jesus came to me in the latter part of 2019.
I have made some changes to the web presence mainly in the domain name. I changed the .com to .org and will be doing so for all the links. Now this website is a dot org, which takes it out of commerce into a more spiritual realm. This is a way to connect Born Again Christians who are willing to go out and be Fishers of men and witness to those who are either willing to learn about how to become Born Again and surrender their lives to Jesus, or those who are born Again and are willing to tell the world how they were saved and how it changed their lives. This sounds simple to me. I wonder what the world will look like when there are men and women, and boys and girls sitting on benches or chairs behind a portable table with a laptop or other sort of computer loaded with a free app like manycam that has all the built in software to livestream directly to FaceBook, and our FaceBook group One Touch From Jesus. All that is required additionally, is a tablet or cell phone that the ManyCam app is able connect to. All recommended equipment is on the link page on this site That in turn will be sent as a file to YouTube and will be ready to view there as fast as the copy lands on YouTube. I ask therefore after reading through the website that you use the link to go to the FaceBook group One Touch From Jesus and join this growing group. Also after that, on your phone go to the YouTube channel One Touch From Jesus and subscribe. There is a contact page with the email onetouchfromjesus.org that you can use to contact me at any time. |
What we do
We are on FaceBook and have a group named One Touch From Jesus. This web site is linked to that group here on our links page. There is a YouTube channel also named One Touch From Jesus that will be used to show the facebook encounters. The main purpose of One Touch From Jesus is to enable live encounters about Jesus and salvation in public places world wide. We have a page here on the website called LINKS. The Links Tab will always be updated with links to to help you set up your own ManyCam system and stream your encounter with those who are interested in knowing and meeting Jesus. I have no affiliation with ManyCam and will not seek one. This is why everything that is needed will be provided via links that will take those who want or need help to places where they can get items that they want or need. Again, the links are not sponsored or paid sites that give us anything. If there does come a time where I can get a discount for something it will be a discount to the members and I will not benefit monetarily from the connection. SIGNS AND POSTERS I made signs that are available that can be placed on a table with the logo and other signs that will allow those walking by to see what is being offered. These signs are on my google drive and slides and I will provide a link to this material. Feel free to be creative and make your own posters. One sign that is a must, is the one that identifies the live camera. This should be large and very visible placed under the other camera stand that points out to the walkway, street or other public area. Anyone who is willing to be live streamed must be asked if they give permission to be seen on camera. Please note that this is a curtesy and is not required by law. LIVE CAMERA STREAMING TO FACEBOOK/YOUTUBE When I did some dry runs at Harris Riverfront Park in Huntington, West Virginia, I had a couple of small bottles of water that I offered those who stopped. I also found a company that sells inexpensive Bibles and Bookmarks. I had some Bibles to give away . My business card is from Office Depot. They have a 100 black & white cards for $10.00 dollars deal. No one is limited to how their card should look, as long as the fields are about this project There is a link to make changes to the name field and the other personal information if one is interested in using a business card. I find it useful at times to give one to those who may be interested in the mission. |